Realty Palencia Jacksonville Florida
Realty Palencia Jacksonville Florida with its 33 acres of parks and open areas and 40 acre Village Center containing its 33,000 square feet clubhouse and golf course is a natural beauty. Realty Palencia Jacksonville is a community that has provided access to the natural environment, using land in an efficient and innovative manner. Realty Palencia Jacksonville FL has a variety of homes; condos and offices which have been designed keeping in mind the local designs along with the modern comforts.
Realty Palencia Jacksonville Florida also offers vacant lots for all those interested in building their own homes. Other than all this realty Palencia Jacksonville also offers facilities like swimming pools, lap pool, state of the art fitness center, spa, a golf course with 33,000 ft clubhouse & restaurant, shopping area, nature trails, boardwalks, clay surfaced tennis courts etc. We at Florida Homes Realty & Mortgage offer the best deals and listings in Realty Palencia Jacksonville FL. We also provide you a realtor if you need one.